
March 12h Meeting (NOTE DATE CHANGE)

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 12th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

February 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 5th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

January 8h Meeting (NOTE DATE CHANGE)

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 8th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Dave Soergel will be: "Creating fillable PDF forms with calculations using Scribus".

December 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 4th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Mike Miller will be: "How to encrypt directories".

November Meeting Canceled

Due to scheduling conflicts, the November meeting has been canceled.

October 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 2nd.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

September 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, September 4th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

August 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, August 7th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

July 2nd Meeting (NOTE DATE CHANGE)

Our next meeting is 7:00PM TUESDAY, July 2nd.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be: "User space input processing".

June 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, June 5th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

May 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, May 1st.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

April 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 3rd.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be: "Creative software for linux, or why Matt's neighbors now think he's a bit strange".

March 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 6th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be: "Creative software for linux, or why Matt's neighbors now think he's a bit strange".

February 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 7th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

January 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 3rd.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The presentation by Dave Soergel will be "Using Graphviz tools to present relational graphs".

December 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 6th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be: "Digital Homesteading, Escaping corporate control by building your own services".

November 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 1st.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

October 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 4th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be: "Stow, Brew and other ways of customizing your packaging experience".

September 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, September 6th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  We are planning several shorter presentations.

August 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, August 2nd.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Hugh McCurdy will be "Hugh's Raspberry Pi Air Quality Sensor".

July 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, July 5th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Hugh McCurdy will be "Hugh's Raspberry Pi Air Quality Sensor".

June 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, June 7th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

May 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, May 3rd.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be: "Linux Boot Part 2".

April 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 5th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be: "Creating servers with Bash scripts and using them to watch livestreams from YouTube and Rumble with Kodi and Roku.".

March 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 1st.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be: "More than you ever wanted to know about the linux boot process".

February 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 1st.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be: "Printing greeting cards on letter size paper and envelopes with Linux".

January 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 4th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

December 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 7th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

November 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 2nd.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be: "How to create a Podcast from Audio Books on YouTube".

October 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 5th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be "Modern Web Apps".

September 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, September 7th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Hugh McCurdy will be "Setting up and using Virtual Box".

August 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, August 3rd.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions)

July 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, July 6th.  This will be a hybrid meeting with the in person gathering at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions and also via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by David Soergel will be: "A Linux Based Flexible Hybrid Meeting Setup".

June 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, June 1st via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

May 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, May 4th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

April 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 6th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

March 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 2nd via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be "Replicating a $10k program with a 200 line shell script".

February 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 2nd via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

January 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 5th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

December 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 1st via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

November 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 3rd via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

October 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 6th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be: "Downloading and formatting HHS VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data using Linux for importation into Libre Office Calc spreadsheet".

September 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, September 1st via video teleconference. (see these instructions)  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will consist of a series of short presentations:

  • Brief review of Brother HL-L3230CDW Color Laser Printer with Linux
  • Brief overview of using a Roku vs Samsung TV with Linux
  • Generating QR codes with Linux for fun and business

August 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, August 4th via video teleconference. (see these instructions)  The feature presentation by Fred Nelson will discuss WordPress.

July 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, July 7th via video teleconference. (see these instructions)  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be "Roll your own chat server with IRC".

June 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, June 2nd via video teleconference. (see these instructions.)

May 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, May 5th via video teleconference. (see these instructions)  The feature presentation by David Soergel will discuss "Linux support for Elgato Stream Deck (Multi-button user interface box) and Xdotool command line keyboard and mouse simulator utility.".

April 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 7th via video teleconference. (see these instructions)  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will discuss "Sqlite full text search".

March 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 3rd via video teleconference. (see these instructions)  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be "Temperature logging with an $11 Govee H5074001 and a Raspberry Pi Zero W".

February 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 3rd via video teleconference. (see these instructions)  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will discuss Stupid TCP Tricks.

January 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 6th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be "$6 Linux Media server that even your Aunt can install".

December 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 2nd via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be "Internet of the Future passed".

November 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 4th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

October 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 7th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

September 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, September 2nd via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be "Connecting your printer to Linux - The Easy Way".

August 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, August 5th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be "Linux Checkpoint and Restore in User Space".

July 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, July 1st via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

June 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, June 3rd via video teleconference. (see these instructions).

May 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, May 6th via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be "Linux Checkpoint and Restore in User Space."

April 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 1st via video teleconference. (see these instructions).  The topic will be a discussion of web conferencing options and also OBS Studio streaming / recording production software.

March 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 4th in the conference room at The Harbor Street Lofts on Emerson Street (see these directions).

February 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 5th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

January 8th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 8th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

December 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 4th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be "Qemu User Mode, or how I learned to stop worrying, and love the ARM".

November 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 6th in Grewen Hall room 408 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

October 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 2nd in Grewen Hall room 408 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

September 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday September 4th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

August 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, August 7th in Reilly Hall room 439 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

July 10th Meeting - Note date change

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, July 10 in Reilly Hall room 439 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be "Home LAN Network Access with Linux when you are at Starbucksi".

June 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday June 5th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The presentation by Dave Soergel will be on setting up a VPN with L2TP/IPsec or OpenVPN.

May 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday May 1st at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The presentation by Dave Soergel will be on setting up a VPN with L2TP/IPsec or OpenVPN.

April 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 3rd in Reilly Hall room 439 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

March 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 6th in Reilly Hall room 439 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

February 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday February 6th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Dave Soergel will be a brief introduction to systemd process control and startup/shutdown.

January 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 2nd in Reilly Hall room 340 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentaion by Mike Miller will be "Linux on Android phones: using Termux to write apps".

December 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday December 5th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation by William Mccracken will be on Automating static IP management using phpIPAM.

November 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 7th in Reilly Hall room 340 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  Mike Miller and Dave Soergel will present interactions between Android phones and Linux computers.

October 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 3rd in Reilly Hall room 340 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

September 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday September 5th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

August 1sth Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday August 1st at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be "Home LAN Network Access with Linux when you are at Starbucks."

July 11th Meeting - Note date change

We will not be meeting on Wednesday July 4.  The July meeting is Wednesday July 11th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

June 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, June 6th in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

May 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 2nd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

April 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 4th in Grewen Hall room 408 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Dave Soergel wiil be on VirtualBox.

March 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 7th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

February 7th Meeting -- CANCELED

The Wednesday February 7th SyrLUG meeting has been canceled due to expected heavy snow.

January 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 3rd in Grewen Hall room 408 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Dave Soergel wiil be MythTV Part 2.

December 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 6th in Grewen Hall room 408 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Dave Soergel wiil be MythTV Part 2.

November 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 1st in Grewen Hall room 408 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

October 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 4th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

September 6th Meeting - Note Room Change

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, September 6th in Grewen Hall room 408 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

August 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 2nd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

July 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, July 5th in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

June 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 7th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Dan Wheeler will be "Introduction to relational database management systems using mysql and sql".

May 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, May 3rd in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Dave Soergel will be on MythTV, a Linux based open source Digital Video Recorder.

April 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 5th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

March 8th Meeting - Note date change.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

February 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 1st in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Dave Soergel will be video production basics using Cinelerra.

January 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 4th in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

December 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 7th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

November 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 2nd in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

October 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 5th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

September 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 7th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

August 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, August 3rd in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions)  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be "TLS Client authentication and other fun with SSL".

July 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 6th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

June 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, June 1st in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions)  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be "Linux computer on a Keychain fob".

May 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

April 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 6th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The presentation by David Soergel will be on optical mark recognition software and barcode generation on Linux.

March 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 2nd in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

February 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  Our feature presentation by Tom Millican will be Automating Chart Creation.

January 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 6th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

December 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 2nd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

November 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 4th in Reilly Hall room 343 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

October 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 7th in Reilly Hall room 343 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Vernon Van Steenkist will be on backup approaches including: rsync, cvs, and rdiff-backup.

September 16th Meeting - NOTE DATE CHANGE.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 16th at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

August 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 5th at 7:00pm in the Library Computer Room on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

July 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 1st at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation by Matt Arnold will be an introduction to loop devices and dm-crypt.

June 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, June 3rd in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

May 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, May 6th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation and demonstration by Vernon Van Steenkist will be on Open Wrt Linux on a Hoo Too TM02 micro router.

April 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 1st at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

March 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 4th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

February 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 4th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

January 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 7th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

December 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 3rd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Reclaiming your e-book library with Calibre" by Vernon Van Steenkist.

November 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 5th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

October 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 1st in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

September 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, September 3rd in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

August 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 6th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

July 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, July 2nd in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

June 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 4th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "SSL on Amazons EC2 Cloud" by Fred K Nelson.

The presentation will cover the steps necessary to create an Amazon EC2 Cloud instance and obtain and install a valid SSL Certificae and discuss various configuration options.  Bring a laptop, tablet or phone to follow along.

May 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 7th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

April 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 2nd in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

March 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 5th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Running your own web server" by Vernon Van Steenkist.

February 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, February 5th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

January 8th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 8th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

December 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 4th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Overview of Bitcoin network protocol, applications and extensions." by Alex Coventry.

November 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 6th in Reilly Hall room 343 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

October 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, October 2nd in Reilly Hall room 343 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

September 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 4th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Citrix Virtulization" by Vernon Van Steenkist.

August 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, August 7th in Reilly Hall room 439 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

July 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, July 3rd in Reilly Hall room 439 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

June 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 5th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "VPN on Linux" by David Soergel.

May 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 1st at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "An Introduction to OpenVMS" by Mark Hyde.

April 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, April 3rd in Grewen Hall room 209J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

March 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 6th in Grewen Hall room 209J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

February 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 6th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

January 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 2nd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

December 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 5th in Grewen Hall room 209J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  Our feature presentation will be "Introduction to Node.js for Controlling Hardware and Programming Scalable Network Applications" by Jacob Beard.

November 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, November 7th in Grewen Hall room 209J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be on OpenStreetMap and OpenStreetView by Dan Jaworski.

October 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 3rd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "XBMC and Linux" by Vernon Van Steenkist.

September 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 5th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

August 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 1st at 7:00pm in the Library Computer Room on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

July 11th Meeting -- Note location and date change

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 11th at 7:00pm in the Library Computer Room on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Exploring other desktops: alternatives to Gnome/Unity and KDE" by Mike Miller.

June 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 6th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Picking an OS" by Ron Enos.

May 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, May 2nd in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

April 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 4th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).

March 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, March 7th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "GTK Programming with Python" by Mohammed Morsi.

February 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 1st at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "iDevice Jailbreaking" by Gabriel Smolnycki.

January 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, January 4th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

December 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is 7:00PM Wednesday, December 7th in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "DavMail Gateway: Connecting your Linux Machine to a Microsoft Exchange Server" by Vernon Van Steenkist.

November 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 2nd in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Pros and Cons of the Visio tablet" by Ron Enos.

October 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 5th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Fellowship on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Xen vs KVM" by Chris Peterman.

September 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 7th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "'Rooting' the Nook Color, or how to have an Android tablet for $270" by Mike Miller.

August 3rd Meeting -- Note the location

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 3rd at 7:00pm at the Noreen Reale Falcone Library Computer Room on on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

July 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 6th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Foundation on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "SSH and Firewalls - Work, remote and home network access through firewalls with SSH" by Vernon Van Steenkist.

June 1st Meeting -- Note The Location

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 1st at 7:00pm at the University Christian Foundation on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be on RAID and the mdadm utility by Chris Peterman.

May 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 415 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Battle of the Linux Distributions".  Several of our members will share features of their favorite Linux distribution.

April 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 6th at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 415 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "Bring China to your desktop with low cost 3D printing." by William McCracken.

March 2nd Meeting -- Note The Location

Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 2nd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Foundation on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "How to use Linux to allow multiple users to share one PC, and hardware agnostically clone a virtual machine from disimilar PC's" by Dave Peterson.

February 2nd Meeting -- Note New Room

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 2nd at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 415 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

January 5th Meeting -- Note the Meeting Location

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 5th at 7:00pm at the University Christian Foundation on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be GRUB2 and Upstart by Dave Soergel.  We start the new year with several relatively new approaches to starting up your system and starting up processes.

December 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 1st at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 345 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be "When is a phone not a phone? Linux on the Nokia N900." by Mike Miller.

November 3rd Meeting -- New Meeting Location

Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 3rd at 7:00pm at the University Christian Foundation on Westcott Street (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be IRC and SyrLUG by Josh Kaplan.

Note that the meeting will be in a new location

October 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 6th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 345 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be on Android by Dan McClung.

September 8th Meeting - New Room - New Date

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 8th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 345 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be on FreeSWITCH, an open source telephony platform by Frank Carmickle.

August 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 4th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be a Linux adventure to create a large family tree poster by Dave Soergel. It will inclued creating a directed node graph with GRAPHVIZ and printing a large PostScript page on small printer.

Note for future planning, we are expecting to hold the September meeting on September 8th (the second Wednesday).

July 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 7th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be an overview of the Ruby Programming Language by Mohammed Morsi.

June 2nd Meeting -- New Room

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 2nd at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 445 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be an introduction to Cherokee Web Servers by Daniel Jaworski.

Note: New room number.

May 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 5th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

April 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 7th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be Intro to Virtualization by Mohammed Morsi.

March 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 3rd at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be on MythTV, a DVR system on Linux by Dave Soergel.

February 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be Watching TV on Linux by Landon Jurgens.

January 6th Meeting -- New Room

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 6th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 440 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).  The feature presentation will be Internet Relay Chat(IRC) by Josh Kaplan.

December 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 2nd at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 209J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

November 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 7th at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 209J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

October 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 7th at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 209J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

September 9th Meeting - Different Room, Different Date

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 9th at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 209J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be Data Retention by Landon Jurgens.

August 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 5th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 447 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be Moving and Re-partitioning your Linux System by Dave Soergel.

June 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 3rd at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 447 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be on basic DVD authoring by Dan McClung.

May 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 6th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 248 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be information on the latest 9.04 release of Ubuntu Linux and what new functionality is on the horizon by Landon Jurgens.

April 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 1st at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 248 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be "Linux as a Multi-Headed (monster?)" or "How to Configure Multiple Video Outputs" by Dave Soergel.

April 4th Install and Config Fest

The next Install and Config Fest is Saturday, April 4th at 1:00pm at the Westcott Community Center. This is an opportunity to install or configure Linux guided by a more experienced user. If interested, see these directions and the Fest page for hints on a smooth install and basic who/what/when/where information. Please sign up early.

March 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, Marchy 4th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 248 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be Dual Boot and Dual Heads (monitors) on Linux by Dave Soergel.

February 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 4th at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 203 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be GPS Applications on Linux by Dave Soergel.

January 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 7th at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 203 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be on Samba by Dan McClung.

December 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 3rd at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 248 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be on Intellectual Property and Open Source by Barnaby Bienkowski.

November 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 5th at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 248 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be on vitrualization by Josh Kaplan.

October 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 1st, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 248 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be Wireless Networking / Home Networking Part 2 by Landon Jurgens.

September 3rd Meeting (Note the room change!)

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 3rd, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall room 248 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be Networking Basics / Home Networking Part 1 by Dave Soergel.

August 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 6th, at 7:00pm in the Library Computer Room on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be a demostration by Paul Talaga of MythTV on Linux and VNC (Virtual Network Commputing) a remote control application.

July 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 2nd, at 7:00pm in the Library Computer Room on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be on Drawing Pictures on Linux by Mike Miller.

June 4th Meeting (Note the room change!)

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 4th, at 7:00pm in the Library Computer Room on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be on MythTV on Linux by Paul Talaga.

May 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 7th, at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 405 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be on Digital Broadcasting for radio and TV by Steve Auyer.

April 12th Install Fest

The April Install and Config Fest is Saturday, April 12th at 1:00pm at the Samuel W. Williams, Jr. Business Center. This is an opportunity to install or configure Linux guided by a more experienced user. If interested, see these directions and the Fest page for hints on a smooth install and basic who/what/when/where information. Please sign up early.

April 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 2nd, at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 405 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). The presentation will be on The proc file system by Dan McClung.

March 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 5th, at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 405 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we will have a presentation on Linux on the LinkSYS NSLU2 by Landon Jurgens. The NSLU2 is an inexpensive ARM processor based "network appliance" intended to act as a network storage server.

Febuary 9th Install and Config Fest

We are planning on having our next install fest on Febuary 9th. We will be avalible to help out with installs, configuration, troubleshooting, and general linux questions. For more information or to sign up, click here.

Febuary 6th Meeting (Note the room change!)

Our next meeting is Wednesday, Febuary 6th, at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall room 405 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we will have a presentation on Linux Concepts by Dave Soergel.

January 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 2nd, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 340 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we will have a presentation on Video on Linux by Dan McClung.

With classes not in session, there may be limited access to the buildings. The center door on the South side of Grewen hall is expected to be open.

December 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 5th, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 340 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we will have a presentation on Grapics on Linux with Gimp and Scribus by Dave Listowski.

November 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 7th, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 340 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we will have a presentation on backup stratagies for Linux by Dave Pasken.

October 20th Install Fest

We are planning on having a quarterly install fest on October 20th. We will be avalible to help out with installs, configuration, troubleshooting, and general linux questions. For more information or to sign up, click here.

October 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 3rd, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 340 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we will have a presentation on IP Tunneling using SSH by Dan McClung.

September 5th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 5th, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 340 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we will have a presentation by SGI's Ken Ryan.

Change of Leadership

Scott Brady is steping down as the leader of Syrlug. We would like to thank him for his efforts and wish his the best of luck in his future endeavors. Dave Soergel will be taking his place as the group cordinator, Mark Hyde will be performing admin duties for the syrlug server, and Dan McClung will be maintaining the web site.

August 1st Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 1st, at 7:00pm in the Library Computer Room on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we will have a presentation by Al Fasoldt.

July 25th Steering Committee Meeting

The July Steering Committee Meeting is Wednesday, July 25th at 7:00pm at the Samuel W. Williams, Jr. Business Center. If interested, see these directions. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting is an opportunity to discuss the future direction of the group and to bring suggestions and ideas to the table.

July 11th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 11th, at 7:00pm in the Library Computer Room on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

July 14th Install and Config Fest

The July Install and Config Fest is Saturday, July 14th at 1:00pm at the Samuel W. Williams, Jr. Business Center. This is an opportunity to install or configure Linux guided by a more experienced user. If interested, see these directions and the Fest page for hints on a smooth install and basic who/what/when/where information. Please sign up early.

June 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 6th, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 244 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

May 2nd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 2nd, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 244 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we'll have a presentation on the QT 4 Toolkit by Andreas Nicolai.

April 4th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 4th, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 244 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions).

March 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 7th, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 244 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we'll have a presentation on Mac OS X: The User-friendly Unix.

January 27th Steering Committee Meeting

The January Steering Committee Meeting is Saturday, January 27th at 1:00pm at Prudential First Properties' De Witt office. This is an opportunity to discuss the future direction of the group and to bring suggestions and ideas to the table. If interested, see these directions. Everyone is welcome.

February 7th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 7th, at 7:00pm in Reilly Hall 244 on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we'll have a presentation on Apache Web Services.

January 3rd Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 3rd, at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall 209 J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we'll have a presentation on Linux Telephony with Asterisk.

January 6th Install and Config Fest

The January Install and Config Fest is Saturday, January 6th at 1:00pm at Prudential First Properties' De Witt office. This is an opportunity to install or configure Linux guided by a more experienced user. If interested, see these directions and the Fest page for hints on a smooth install and basic who/what/when/where information. Please sign up early.

December 6th Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday, December 6th, at 7:00pm in Grewen Hall 209 J on the Le Moyne College campus (see these directions). This month we'll have a panel discussion on Firefox Add-ons/Extensions.

Site Contents